Best Dating Sites In China

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Expensive German dating service with users from all over the world. Qualitative moderation and extensive psychological testing. The site's audience consists of serious people looking for a serious relationship. Ideal for finding soul mates, but not suitable for those who just want to have fun.
Badoo is one of the most popular dating sites in the world. Life broadcasts add variety to the interface, as does the ability to start a video chat with a specific user. The site has a unique photo verification system, which is guaranteed to exclude fake accounts.
The idea of Bumble is that it is the girl who makes the first step towards a man, which cannot but please the feminist Western world, but may not please the population. The functionality is reminiscent of Tinder and Badoo, which makes the application intuitive to use.
Dating takes place by evaluating candidates' photographs. There are users with absolutely any goals: from seriously minded to perverts. Can be used for fun.
The Hitwe dating site offers one of the best solutions in terms of paid content - just one service at a very affordable price. The site is not without grace in terms of design and functionality, even despite some minor problems with the organization of the user space.
The application has an attractive design and an interesting central idea. This is not so much a dating app as it is a dating app. All functionality is aimed at live communication, where Happn acts only as the first step. The app is not for those who prefer to spend months sharing photos. It is designed for the fast life of a big city.
Video chat site for real communication between people from different parts of the world. Services for men are paid, and girls have the opportunity to earn money from communication. A web camera is required for communication. Possibility of correspondence with foreigners with instant message translation.

Free Dating Sites In China

Communication via the Internet has become so popular that usual meetings in real life have become rare events. Those who want to meet a girl or guy from China for a serious relationship use proven services. Previously, this would have been impossible, but now it is no problem.

Where to meet girls and men from China

Best Dating Sites In China

Guys and girls in China perceive online dating as one of the modern ways to find a soul mate. They choose proven sites that can cope with this task. Most often, these are resources that offer registration, verification and a real photo in the account. Many services provide additional services for a fee, but it is up to everyone to decide whether to use such a service or not.

Among the most popular dating sites among the Chinese is Linkyou. The resource is convenient because it fully reflects the needs of a person looking for a partner for communication or starting a family. The user’s parameters inform about the applicant’s interests, hobbies, religion, weight, and height. The ability to give virtual gifts is a nice bonus from the site administrators. When using Linkyou, you should not be afraid of obscene offers or insults; Such information is carefully filtered.

Cultural chasm: which Chinese traditions are worth considering

Chinese girls take online dating quite seriously. A European will be surprised: representatives of the Celestial Empire will pay for an expensive photo shoot in order to look stunning in the photographs. By going through the verification procedure on the site, Chinese women thereby confirm that the information they provided is genuine and their intentions are serious. The only fact that can confuse a face-to-face meeting is the girls’ active use of all the achievements of cosmetology and plastic surgery.


Making friends or finding a romantic relationship with a guy or girl from China is an interesting decision. However, before writing to the young lady you like, you should learn a little about the customs and traditions of communication between representatives of this nationality. Having studied the theory, you can move on to action.

The Chinese do not use gestures in communication, so waving your arms when speaking is not a good idea. An Asian lady will be embarrassed if you try to kiss her in a public place. Traditions condemn this. Looking into the eyes is also not recommended: it is an invasion of personal space. Meetings and dates take place modestly and slowly, without attracting excessive attention from others.

Mutual sympathy is not enough for strong friendship, much less for family relationships. And in order not to accidentally destroy the connection, it is important to know the characteristics of another country, traditions and preferences.

What is a relationship with a Chinese man really like? The idea of dating in China is radically different from Western traditions. We are used to the fact that relationships can be without commitment for many years. However, in China it is not customary to date someone without wanting to register the marriage. Relations with Asians have been stable from the very beginning.

Chinese guys under 30, as a rule, do not have much experience in communicating with girls. Therefore, it is worth taking this moment into account and helping your gentleman achieve harmony between you. The Chinese are very sensitive and romantic in nature. Local men know how to organize beautiful dates and please the woman they love in every possible way.

In China, former partners do not maintain friendly relations. There can also be no talk of a “break in the relationship.” In a word, if a couple breaks up, it’s forever.

Rules for communicating with a Chinese person

Many girls note the swiftness of Asian men. Communication on dating sites with Chinese quickly turns to real meetings. Already on the first date, it becomes clear that the Chinese are not capable of direct expression of feelings. In addition, local men avoid confrontation in every possible way and know how to resolve any issues diplomatically. Chinese guys will need a lot of time to confess their love to their chosen one. There are times when this does not happen at all, but the partner proves his feelings with his actions. Western women admire that an Asian boyfriend carefully carries bags of groceries, pays for a girl’s purchases, worries about her health and regularly calls for no reason.

The importance of family in the life of a Chinese

Dating a Chinese man for marriage means that you will have to communicate with his entire family. Asians reverently honor family traditions. In the West, parents treat their grown-up children as adults who have the right to make independent decisions. In turn, in China, children have to adapt to the opinions of the older generation, regardless of age. The quality of the relationship with the Chinese mother-in-law directly affects the fate of the marriage. Be prepared for the fact that his mother’s opinion is never challenged. You will have to silently listen to any reproaches and moralizing.
The Chinese guy’s family will become a part of your life. Relatives who like the girl will welcome her into the family and surround her with care. However, not all parents will approve of their son’s marriage to a foreigner. After all, there is a possibility that you will take their little blood to the other side of the world.

Chinese wedding traditions

This section will be of interest even to those who are not planning to marry a Chinese man. After all, local wedding traditions are distinguished by their unique and original character. Judge for yourself. Auspicious Colors Red and gold are the most used colors in Chinese marriage ceremonies. The red hue prevails not only at weddings, but also at other major celebrations. This shade is associated here with success, loyalty, honor and fertility. The color gold is also quite often used in wedding accessories as it signifies wealth and good luck.
Guests are not recommended to wear red outfits, because this color is reserved for the main couple of the celebration. In addition, you cannot come to a Chinese holiday in black or white attire. These colors are worn at funerals. Door games or gate knocking This is what they call bride ransom in China. Everything happens in the house of the future wife. The idea of “Door Games” arose because the bride is too dear to her parents to simply give her to the groom. Therefore, the guy has to prove that he is ready for all tests for the sake of his beloved girl. The game scenario depends on the imagination of the bridesmaids. The groom may be forced to eat crazy foods or do fancy dances. Tea ceremony This ritual is one of the most important in a wedding ceremony in China. The oldest couples are served tea and share valuable advice and good wishes. The traditional drink is served by young people kneeling in front of their parents and other older relatives. Sometimes the tea is combined with traditional ingredients (lotus seeds and red dates). Red envelopes In the West, it is customary to make lists of gifts that guests can give to a young couple. However, in China this tradition is not maintained. It is customary here to give newlyweds red envelopes with money (the Chinese name for envelopes is “hong bao”). Locals believe that these red envelopes are filled with lucky bills. The gift is presented by older family members or married relatives. An alternative gift option could be jewelry. Sometimes at a Chinese wedding you can see oranges wrapped in red paper. Tradition says that touching these oranges will bring good luck and prosperity to the couple. Only these citrus fruits are a seasonal fruit, so it is permissible to replace them with apples, which are associated with safety and comfort. 12 Gifts According to local tradition, the groom’s family must prepare 12 gifts for the bride’s family. However, now this custom has been somewhat simplified – only 6 gifts are given, including cookies, cake, candles, fireworks, money and gold jewelry. Wedding Banquet Delicious food is considered the main component of a Chinese wedding. Usually 10 dishes are served on the table at once, among which there is always fish. In addition, on the wedding day it is customary to eat rice balls, which are associated with a long and happy life.
During the feast, guests make solemn speeches addressed to the newlyweds and older relatives. If desired, guests sing songs and watch a sweet show about the bride and groom. Preparation of the marital bed Special attention is paid to the decoration of the marital bed. The room for the newlyweds is decorated with red or gold lamps, which are associated with a spark for easy conception of a child. Typically these lamps are left on for three days. Combing hair The ceremony of combing hair is considered one of the oldest, but modern newlyweds rarely perform it. The meaning of the tradition is that the mother of the bride combs her daughter’s hair on the morning before the wedding. The groom’s mother performs similar actions. This gives the couple confidence that they will look perfect on their wedding day. Red Umbrella In China, there is an opinion that a red umbrella in the hands of the bride promises fertility for the marriage. Sometimes the umbrella is held over the bride’s head by her bridesmaids. Sometimes a rice sieve is used instead of an umbrella. Fireworks and lion dancers Many modern couples invite two dancers to their wedding, who are dressed in the figure of a lion and control it from the inside. This dance symbolizes a long and happy marriage. In addition, firecrackers and fireworks are often lit at the ceremony. These loud sounds are supposed to scare away evil spirits. Post-wedding traditions The day after the wedding, the bride wakes up very early in order to honor the memory of her ancestors at dawn. It is after performing this ritual that she is considered to be presented to all members of the groom’s family. Also, after the wedding, the newlyweds visit the bride’s parents for three days in a row. In this case, the girl is already considered a guest in her parents’ house.