Best Dating Sites In Uzbekistan

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Expensive German dating service with users from all over the world. Qualitative moderation and extensive psychological testing. The site's audience consists of serious people looking for a serious relationship. Ideal for finding soul mates, but not suitable for those who just want to have fun.
Badoo is one of the most popular dating sites in the world. Life broadcasts add variety to the interface, as does the ability to start a video chat with a specific user. The site has a unique photo verification system, which is guaranteed to exclude fake accounts.
The idea of Bumble is that it is the girl who makes the first step towards a man, which cannot but please the feminist Western world, but may not please the population. The functionality is reminiscent of Tinder and Badoo, which makes the application intuitive to use.
Dating takes place by evaluating candidates' photographs. There are users with absolutely any goals: from seriously minded to perverts. Can be used for fun.
The Hitwe dating site offers one of the best solutions in terms of paid content - just one service at a very affordable price. The site is not without grace in terms of design and functionality, even despite some minor problems with the organization of the user space.
The application has an attractive design and an interesting central idea. This is not so much a dating app as it is a dating app. All functionality is aimed at live communication, where Happn acts only as the first step. The app is not for those who prefer to spend months sharing photos. It is designed for the fast life of a big city.
Video chat site for real communication between people from different parts of the world. Services for men are paid, and girls have the opportunity to earn money from communication. A web camera is required for communication. Possibility of correspondence with foreigners with instant message translation.

Free Dating Sites In Uzbekistan

Men dream of meeting Uzbek girls, as they lead to a happy family life. Representatives of Central Asia idolize their spouses, remain faithful, and raise their children with dignity.

Where to meet an Uzbek girl

Uzbek women are distinguished by their external beauty and friendly character. They become faithful wives, loving mothers, and treat their parents and husband’s relatives with respect. Many men who are focused on serious relationships and creating a strong marriage want to meet Uzbek girls. Society in Uzbekistan has a negative attitude towards the travel of compatriots abroad.

Communication tips when meeting Uzbek girls

Best Dating Sites In Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a patriarchal country. From an early age, Uzbek women prepare to serve their future man: they learn how to manage everyday life and cook first-class dinners. Having married an Uzbek, they address him as “you”, and in front of strangers they call him “master”. A modest and driven lifestyle prevents girls from starting relationships with foreigners, so it will be difficult for a guy to get to know Uzbek girls. But there are chances.

There are women in Uzbekistan who are susceptible to Western influence. They are ready to break the strict rules of their country, but only if they meet a truly worthy man. When you start dating Uzbek girls, you should immediately make it clear that you are serious. When communicating, you should not demonstrate a sense of humor. Discuss topics that are important to the girl: plans for the future, attitude towards children, devotion to family.

Never ask a new friend for advice or put her in a position to make decisions for you. In her country this is considered a disgrace. A man should not depend on a woman’s word, while she must coordinate her every action with him. Therefore, if you want to go for a walk with a friend, tell her: “Let’s go to the park,” instead of “Where should we go?”

By unquestioningly submitting to their man, Uzbek women receive care and respect in return. To win over a girl, you must treat her with reverence and warmth already at the stage when you begin to get to know each other. When communicating, you should not use bad words, condemn the actions of an Uzbek woman, or point out her mistakes. You should treat her family with love, since the relationship will not begin until the girl’s relatives approve of her choice, that is, you.

Uzbekistan is a country with a vibrant and distinctive culture. Local traditions have become a combination of Greek, Arab, Chinese culture. All this makes Uzbek dating extraordinary and very desirable. To find friends or a partner in Uzbekistan, you can safely turn to dating sites. There are a number of arguments in favor of this method of dating: A huge number of users from different cities of the world. Personal information and photographs are checked by moderators. The likelihood of meeting a bot is extremely low. You can search for a partner based on various criteria: from appearance to hobbies. The system will automatically select the best matches. Various communication methods: messages, chats, video mode. Possibility of online marriages (without legal force). A variety of entertaining leisure activities: competitions, quizzes, games. Responsive support service. Blocking annoying participants. All this and much more can only be expected from reliable dating sites. Therefore, you should carefully choose a platform. We will help you cope with this task.

Best Dating Sites In Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan can easily be called the most charming country in Central Asia. Turbulent historical events have left their mark here. However, even today, Uzbekistan has preserved many unique places and structures that are considered the hallmark of the country.

Uzbekistan delights its residents with sunshine almost all year round. Nature has not stinted on the variety of landscapes. Hot desert sands give way to cool mountain air. The purest lakes coexist with lifeless steppes and green oases.

Local traditions have been formed over centuries. Maybe that’s why they are all so unusual and impressive. Centuries-old customs are carefully preserved here and passed on from generation to generation. In Uzbekistan, as in many Asian countries, most holiday customs are associated with a wedding or the birth of a child. These celebrations are accompanied by many rituals with the participation of all relatives.

Muslim dating in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a predominantly Muslim country. Women here are conservative and adhere to local customs and lifestyle. Muslim religion and traditions are very different from other countries. Before you start looking for Muslim dating in Uzbekistan, you should understand a few points: Muslim women love to show feelings not with words, but with actions. Promises and compliments alone will not be enough. To win the heart of the chosen one, you have to look after her beautifully and show sympathy. Local girls love jokes and casual conversations. Feel free to engage in dialogue and tell funny stories. A Muslim woman will do everything to make her beloved man happy with her. It’s worth mentioning right away that very conservative ladies will agree to intimate relationships only after the wedding. You can’t put pressure on a local lady; you have to respect her decisions.

Rules for dating Muslims

Muslim dating in Uzbekistan will give you extremely positive emotions if you adhere to some rules: Muslim women prefer the traditional form of dating. A romantic dinner, a chic bouquet of flowers and a relaxed atmosphere will help you win the attention of your chosen one. You need to be clear about what you want from dating a Muslim. It is recommended to hint to your partner in advance about the purpose of your communication. Don’t even hide the fact that you are only counting on flirting. A Muslim man will listen to the opinion of his chosen one. By the way, in this country women who know how to make their own decisions are valued. During the conversation, do not be afraid to discuss any topic. Frank conversations will help you get to know each other better. Muslims with conservative beliefs will not be able to quickly decide on marriage or just a close relationship. Your partner will need time. Local men won’t wait several years to propose. It’s worth talking about your feelings more often if you’re happy with everything. Hint that you are ready for the next step. It wouldn’t hurt to clarify where your relationship is going.

How to behave in Uzbekistan?

Successful dating in Uzbekistan involves following the basic rules of etiquette. The recommendations presented are relevant both when visiting the country and when communicating virtually with local residents.

Appearance and clothing in Uzbekistan

There are no special rules regarding appearance here. Residents of the capital and other large cities are accustomed to wearing comfortable and practical clothes. Of course, there are also young girls in traditional Islamic attire, but this is more a personal preference than a necessity.

It is popular among Uzbek women to wear traditional dresses made of a material called khan-atlas. This is the name of brightly colored silk fabric that has been produced in Uzbekistan since the 5th century. The complex patterns on the fabric are made with natural dyes. You will definitely pay attention to the girl in such an unusual and colorful dress. In some provinces it is better not to wear shorts. Especially when visiting local shrines. A girl should also cover her shoulders, chest and head when entering mausoleums and mosques.

Everyday Etiquette

Uzbek society is a synthesis of religious and social norms, traditions and codes. Some customs have their origins in the Islamic era and the Soviet past. However, recently there has been a growing influence of Western culture. Dating in Uzbekistan will delight you with cordiality and hospitality. Local residents are sincerely happy to have guests, so they greet them with generous treats. The owners of the house will always put everything they have on the table. Some tourists regard this gesture as an unreasonable waste of food. However, it is through generous treats that respect for the dear guest is expressed. After an Uzbek feast, your plate should remain empty. It doesn’t matter if you like the dishes offered. The rule is that you must eat throughout the entire meal. Refusal to eat or poor appetite can offend a hospitable host.

Modern women of Uzbekistan

Uzbek girls are known for their beautiful appearance and good-natured nature. Of course, with age, local ladies gain weight, but this does not prevent them from maintaining their national charm.

Why is dating in Uzbekistan so popular?

Uzbek women attract not only local but also foreign men. After all, local ladies have unique characteristics: Attractive appearance – local girls are a shining example of exotic oriental beauty. Brown eyes, long hair and a sweet smile attract many men. Hospitality – women of Uzbekistan love to organize meetings with friends and relatives. A guest is a joy for them, so the table is replete with delicious dishes. Kindness – the girls here are very sympathetic. They will always support you in difficult times. There is no need to ask them for help, because they themselves know that a loved one needs support. Amenable character – from a very early age, local girls are taught to be polite. That is why communication with them always gives a pleasant impression. They avoid conflicts and know how to compromise. Respect for family traditions is a trait inherent in almost all women of Uzbekistan. For them, family always comes first. They will do everything to maintain good relations with all relatives. Honesty – local ladies don’t know how to lie. They see no point in misleading a loved one. Decent behavior – in addition to a calm and flexible character, local girls are characterized by pride. Ladies know their worth and will not allow anyone to disrespect them. Slowness – people here are used to doing everything slowly. This allows you to create a measured and cozy atmosphere around you. It is pleasant for a partner to spend time next to such a lady. Inexhaustible optimism – women of Uzbekistan love fun and do not dwell on the negative aspects of life. Therefore, it is easy and simple to build relationships with them.

What kind of wives do girls from Uzbekistan become?

Ladies of this nationality become caring spouses and responsible mothers. After all, they have all the traits of an ideal woman: They are submissive and self-possessed – this helps them create a friendly family where conflicts will occur extremely rarely. It is quite easy to find a common language with such a woman and discuss everyday issues. They are true – local women are not used to flirting while married. However, you should not be jealous of your spouse if she is simply polite to the men around her. Some people mistakenly regard such cordiality and hospitality as flirting. They are excellent cooks – local ladies will always please the man they love with a delicious dish. They will be able to prepare everything from a salad to a complex dessert. They adore their children – Uzbek women have a strong maternal instinct. They approach the education of the younger generation with all responsibility. They are not used to controlling their husband’s every move—the girls completely trust the man they love.

Why do Uzbek girls look for a foreign husband?

It cannot be said that the male population of Uzbekistan has obvious characteristic disadvantages. However, many local girls dream of an overseas groom. Such a desire may be associated with the peculiarities of male character and family life in Uzbekistan.
Most local girls have a modern mindset and prefer a Western lifestyle. That is why they refuse to connect their lives with men who have Eastern views on starting a family. The main traits of Uzbeks that local women may view negatively: Powerful character – many men in Uzbekistan believe that they are always right and do not take into account the opinions of their wives at all. Excessive frugality – most of the local gentlemen are obsessed with rational spending of money. Therefore, they do not consider it necessary to buy an extra dress or jewelry for their girlfriend. Quite often, local men exclude impractical items from their shopping list.

Uzbek wedding

In the East, it is customary to celebrate a wedding on a grand scale, inviting all relatives and friends. Even in national fairy tales, heroes celebrated their wedding for 40 days. In real life, celebration is limited to a few days. At the same time, they try to observe many traditions and rituals that are so respected by the local people.

Wedding customs of Uzbekistan

Hundreds of thousands of dating in Uzbekistan end in marriage. This celebration here is considered one of the main events in a person’s life. Close and distant relatives, friends, colleagues and even neighbors are invited. They all gather to congratulate the newlyweds and take part in traditional rituals.
The first step is meeting the bride. Relatives and friends of the groom try to make inquiries about the future wife: ability to run a household, level of upbringing, education, status of her parents, etc. At the same time, the girl’s external data is of secondary importance. Matchmakers visit the bride’s house and evaluate the level of cleanliness and cordiality. Guests watch how the girl copes with organizing the meeting. If the pimps are happy with what they see, then you can seriously think about getting engaged. On the appointed day, senior family members come to the bride’s house and discuss the details of the future celebration. From this moment on, the girl is considered engaged if her parents have expressed their consent to the marriage. The fact of the engagement is announced publicly so that other matchmakers do not come to the house for the bride.
According to local traditions, wedding expenses fall entirely on the groom’s parents. However, today, more and more often, parties plan a wedding budget together. After all, this magnificent Uzbek celebration requires substantial investments.

Morning pilaf

This is the name of one of the most important wedding traditions. The bottom line is that all guests are treated to pilaf on the eve of the celebration. By the way, the number of invitees can be several hundred people. The groom’s family is responsible for preparing the pilaf. On the day of the beginning, the men are treated to the groom’s house, and then the dish is sent to the bride’s house. Such a gala breakfast will be a symbol that the couple’s engagement was successful, and the girl and guy are ready to get married.

Ritual of farewell to the bride and parents

One of the most touching moments of a wedding ceremony is saying goodbye to the bride. This sacrament happens after the marriage is officially registered at the registry office. The newlyweds come to the bride’s house to say goodbye to their parents and other family members.
Parents mourn the departure of their daughter from her home. It is believed that shed tears will bring happiness to the newlyweds in family life. The bride is given a dowry with which she must move to the groom’s house. After this, the young family and guests leave for a gala banquet.


Weddings in Uzbekistan take place at a luxurious table and in a cheerful company. Sometimes these events attract more than 400 people. Guests present gifts to the newlyweds, dance and sing. The tables are replete with national dishes and drinks. During the banquet, a ritual called “Honey Treat” is held. The groom takes a bowl of honey and tastes this flower nectar, then treats his wife to it. After this, the young people must go to a large mirror and see their reflection there. The honey ritual promises the young a sweet life.